
Profile Image


Staff Software Engineer, Google — 2023-

Senior Frontend Engineer, Daily.dev — 2022-2023

Senior Frontend Engineer, Team Lead Unscrambl — 2017-2022

Head of Product Unscrambl — 2020-2022

Senior Full-stack Engineer, Team Lead Doruk Medya — 2016-2017

Senior Full-stack Engineer, Team Lead CP Innovative Solutions — 2014-2016

Software Engineer Veritronik — 2013-2014

Software Engineer Fabrika Medya — 2010-2013


Information Systems Engineering (BSc) Atılım University — 2010-2013
3.30/4.00 - First of Department and Scholarship (%100)

Electrics and Electronics Engineering (BSc) Hacettepe University — 2004-2010
Dropped because of health problems.

Erzurum Science High School — 2001-2004


Organized one of the first UX events and kickstarted the UX community called UX Minimal in Ankara/Turkey. Helped the organization of multiple events between 2018 and 2021. https://uxminimal.com

PROJECTS & Articles


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